Vocational Program
Trades/Manufacturing fields
Grade 11 (1st Semester) and Grade 12 (1st-2nd Semester)
Prerequisite - Application Process
The Vocational School at Peshtigo High School blends required core coursework with manufacturing skill standards training, precision measurement certifications, work ethic certifications, enrichment activities, and on-the-job career related training. Students are in the classroom setting three hours per day to complete academic requirements, certifications, enrichment activities, and employability skills. The remainder of the school day is spent with a business partner, receiving hands-on experience in their chosen career field.
Career Readiness/ Work Experience
Grade 12 (1st Semester 3 hour block)
Credit: 1.5 credits
Prerequisite - Employment
In this course, students will participate in on-the-job training at local businesses. There will be a one hour "soft skills" class that students will participate in. The students will develop a CAREER PORTFOLIO in job readiness skills, interviews, resumes, and career assessment. Students will also earn an ISO certified safety certification. Additionally, there will be mandatory field trips to local trade, manufacturing, and business settings. The remaining two hours, students will be released for 10 hours of required work experience per week (M-F).
Career Readiness/ Work Experience II
Grade 12 (2nd semester/3 hour block)
Credit: 1.5 credits
Prerequisites - Passing grades in Career Readiness/Work Experience I and pass ISO Safety Certification
This is a continuation of Vocational Study Program I. The students will work 15 hours per week (M-F) at an approved job site. There will be no class instruction for Vocational Study Program II.